
The Bull..

My morning was came out so good that I haven't considered anything would make it as bad as it is now..

I don't even give a bit of shit if he reads what I write.. he's just as bulls**t as ever.. I always thought that he was a nice person but he turned the other way around.. after he got his permanent job after 6 months of being probation..

He was the nicest guy when he came to the office but alas, he changed..

anyway.. did you get one of those days when you're asked to clean out your area when the person telling can't even get a glimpse of how his table looked like..

he's a piece of s**t!

and getting to be more than just a s**t!..

I hope he rots on his chair and get some sense..

and did you know, I just cleaned my area with wipe out and sliding door with a glass cleaner..

and so it went, a bad day.........

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