Only to find out that 10 to 15% of the people who have migraines can see auras, 15 to 30 minutes prior the attack of a severe headache which lasts for 4 to 72 hours.. *sigh*..
Curious as I am, I searched the web for the causes of migraines..
Here are the list of the possible causes of migraines:
- Caffeine - I am taking 3 cups of coffee daily, 1 after lunch and another cup at 3:00 pm.. That’s my usual dosage of coffee.. When I browsed through the medical sites, the doctors wrote on their pages that caffeine causes vasospasm, the squeezing down of arteries.. Too bad, I have to stop taking coffee and sodas in the meantime.. Uh Oh.. will I be able to achieve that? Tempting..
- Monosodium Glutamate - in every Filipino household, we make it a point to add a little of this “tak tak tak” ingredient to make the viand all the more tasty.. I had always thought that MSGs are causes to baldness of a person, yet, I didn’t know that there are other effects of too much MSGs.. One of which includes migraines.. So, instead of MSGs, we might have to resort to sugar instead..
- Sleep - lack of sleep causes migraines also.. Although, I am sure I had been taking a very good night’s sleep everyday.. Except I have to wake up in between to prepare my son’s nightly milk formula.. I wonder if waking up so early is a cause of migraines too?
- Menstrual Periods - ok.. This might be a cause.. Since, I had been obserbing my migraine attacks and it comes close to my menstrual period.. Most often, it occurs a week before my monthly cycle.. Since menstruation is associated to depression, depression is a possible cause to migraine attacks also..
I often know that I’m going to have a migraine attack upon the observation of the “aura” appearing on my sight.. The disappearance of a certain part of your vision is a common effect when the aura appears..
I hate migraines.. It leaves me immobile.. No matter how hard you try to move and finish off what you are working at the moment, you can’t concentrate because the pain is too unbearable and you just want to sleep it off..
Luckily enough, when I have migraine attacks, I don’t vomit like the others.. But, still, I’m in the unique 10 to 15% who has a vision of the “aura” just before the pain starts to attack..
So, anyway, once the attack starts, make sure, you stop what you are doing.. Close your eyes and rest it.. Take a pain reliever.. Sleep it off if you can.. If it gets too constant, consult a doctor..
That’s what I’m gonna do.. *smiles*